Council Activities

Council meetings are held the 1st Thursday of every month at 6:30 p.m. Our council hosts a large number of council activities though the year. Activities include charity raffle ticket sales and drive to support persons with intellectual disabilities (Tootsi Roll Drive). We also assist with church activities, Divine Savior Sunday, youth activities, community service and council activities

A Country Breakfast was held on March 17th, 2024, with assistance from the members of Scout Troop 660 in Rhinelander at Nativity of Our Lord Church.  Over 120 customers were served, with the Scouts providing homemade potato pancakes as part of the delicious meal.  Proceeds of $500.00 were presented to Schout Troop 660 via Grand Knight John Sykes at the monthly troop meeting on April 18th.  The Knights of Columbus are extremely grateful to the Scouts for their help in serving this breakfast. 

Upcoming Events

New Dawn ultrasound fundraising - collected funds and pledges have reached our goal of $14,000.00.  Thank you to all who have contributed.

Please consider your ability to share time, talent and treasure with our council.

First Communion weekend - April 27/28.  Please congratulate all involved!!

The Intellectual Disabilities" Fundraiser (formerly called the Tootsie Roll Drive) will be held on Saturday May 4th at WalMart and Trigs.

Highway Cleanup day will be May 11th.  Volunteers are to meet at Golden Harvest parking lot at 8 AM.